Monthly Archives: January 2017

What to Learn in the Chinese Language

This intense old world language is often interpreted as complex and impossible to master. It can become a frustrating experience instead of an exhilarating adventure. It is a myth that the language is too difficult to learn. You can learn the Chinese language well enough to suit your purpose or focus. If you are soon to visit China, then you probably would want to know at least minimal amount of the language to be able to communicate your needs while in their country. This would require a […]

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Learn How to Write Chinese

It is said Mandarin Chinese is one of the top languages difficult to learn. The Chinese language embraces so many levels of complex spoken and written components within their language that it can almost seem to frustrating. In order to understand Chinese, you have to dissect the pronunciations, the written characters (and there are thousands upon thousands of them), and the tonal dialects used in each word. If the task of mastering the language becomes to cumbersome, it is often the choice to just give up. There […]

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Learn Chinese Calligraphy

You have seen it everywhere. The beautiful strokes in black brushed on a canvas. Meaning something, but were not sure what. You see it in tattoo’s left on the skin to declare deep significance to the wearer, and often out of curiosity we ask what it means. It is a peaceful mystery, we are drawn to it naturally. The infamy of Chinese calligraphy has become an art to be understood and learned. Not only do we want it on our walls and skin, we want to become […]

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A Guide to Learning Chinese Online

A Guide To Learning Chinese Online If learning the Chinese language is on your list of things to do, then consider using the first tool at your fingertips…your computer. Today, the internet is chocked full of a multitude of a variety of instructions for learning Chinese. Each site offers something unique and beneficial to that site, however, there are of course, some maintained with a more serious hand in learning and others, well, just plain frumpy. Before you begin, be prepared to do a lot of surfing […]

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I Want to Learn Chinese

That’s right! I want to learn Chinese. Chinese is the new language of today’s world. I look around and I can see where all this is going. Our world is growing at such a alarming rate and the world economy is merging at an unforgiving speed, I think we will all be speaking Chinese and Spanish right along with English. We are fast approaching a multi-lingual world. We won’t need subtitles on films, or an interpreter to hustle us through a Chinese menu, or an old world […]

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It’s Easy to Learn Chinese Characters – Part 2

The Chinese language is most notably known for the written and beautiful characters stroked on the flat page. As old as 4000 years ago, this exquisite language exists as even more popular today. There are several masters of it’s legend left behind in history their work more as art then language. There are many resources available to learn Chinese characters. The Chinese language has become a popular study area for more and more people and continues to expand the supply and demand of good available teaching tools. […]

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It’s Easy to Learn Chinese Characters – Part 1

The Chinese language is most notably known for the written and beautiful characters stroked on the flat page. As old as 4000 years ago, this exquisite language exists as even more popular today. There are several masters of it’s legend left behind in history their work more as art then language. There are many resources available to learn Chinese characters. The Chinese language has become a popular study area for more and more people and continues to expand the supply and demand of good available teaching tools. […]

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Learn Chinese Free

There is reason enough to learn Chinese in today’s world. In the business world, relationships with China are increasing it’s influence in our economy. Attractive candidates for employers will encompass the skills of being bilingual. In our personal relationships, we are becoming elbow to elbow with combining cultures. Even online, our communications to pen pals exist in Asian countries and the need to break the language barrier stronger than ever. In social-patterns, we have to adopt cultural sensitivities to those merging into Americanism. By learning Chinese we, […]

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Learn to Speak Chinese

So, you want to learn to speak Chinese? And it’s no wonder why…with today’s world aggressively tapping into each other, we are culturally merging rapidly. The Chinese language has become increasingly popular, almost tripling the demand to learn the Chinese language in the past decade. High thanks to modern technology such as computers, cell phones, even MP3 players, language accommodation in these instruments is becoming the norm. Gone are the days of primary English communications on these devices, now you can speak and write the Chinese characters, […]

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Learn to Read Chinese

If you ever sat down to eat in a Chinese restaurant, there’s a good chance you have had the opportunity to hear Chinese spoken fluently. The menu most likely contained beautiful Chinese characters depicting food offerings. This beautiful language lends its self to roots that began over 4000 years ago from the Sino- Tibetan vernacular form. Today, the most common style of Chinese used is the Mandarin Chinese language. There are many methods available to learn to read Chinese. The written characters have been narrowed down to […]

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